Potyra I

Kronach   Bavaria

The Potyra apartment (63 m) is in the town of Unterrodach in the municipality of Marktrodach and located in the Frankenwald, Unterrodach is around 5 km from the regions capital city of Kronach.

The apartment is part of a bigger house and is located on the ground floor.
It has a shared garden with other guests, garden furniture and a barbecue.

It is on the edge of the town and has a southern location. In the area is a diverse offering of possibilities for your leisure time, including going for walks, bicycling, various winter sport activities, hang gliding, tennis, miniature golf and much more.
Swimming is also one of the many options open to you in Unterrodach, Steinwiesen, Wallenfels and Kronach.

Interesting excursion possibilities in the region are to be had in, among other places, the city of Kronach, the Frankenwaldhochstraße (including Lauenstein castle and the Thüringer Warte watchtower), the Bavarian Bier- and Burgenstraße , the province of Thüringen, the Richard-Wagner-Stad , Bayreuth, the city of Bamberg and the ducal city of Coburg.


Habitaciones familiares

Prohibido fumar en todo el recinto del hotel

Parking privado

WiFi en todo el alojamiento

Parking gratis

Parking en el establecimiento


Ping pong




WiFi gratis

Zonas comunes



Habitaciones familiares

Prohibido fumar en todo el establecimiento



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