

step 1: soak the threshed corn for about three days; change the water two or three times a day. after that time, it is cooked for two hours to soften; then strain and drain. grind and mix with water until obtaining a homogeneous paste.
hogao: step 2: sauté the two types of onions with the garlic, chili and pepper. when the onion becomes transparent add the tomatoes, season and season to taste with the cumin and saffron dissolved in a little water. cook over very low heat for an hour.
filling: step 3: marinate the meats for at least two days in the fridge so that it takes on the flavor. cover the meats with a preparation of capers, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin and onion. meanwhile wash the peas and cook them until slightly soft. carrot and potato cut into thin slices
step 4: take the dough and add half of the hogao, incorporate the marinated meats, vegetables and potatoes and mix well.
assembly: step 5: place two banana leaves on the work surface (make sure they are not cracked, otherwise the filling will escape while we cook them), add a portion of the filling in the middle (which together with the dough has pieces of meat , some peas, carrot and potato); a tablespoon of hogao and it is wrapped first with the first sheet and then with the second and tied with the cabuya (thread). fill a large pot of water with salt and put to heat; when it breaks the boil, add the tamales (the water should cover the tamales) and cook for an hour and a half to two hours. if the water is reduced, add boiling water so as not to interrupt the cooking. when they are, they will be removed, drained and served hot.

tricks, secrets and variants for Colombian tamales:
• Tamales are generally served with white rice or unsalted arepa.
• Today almost no one performs this process of threshed corn, you can buy areparina in any store and it is easily prepared on the spot.


  • mass:
  • • 1,250 kgrs. threshed corn
  • hogao or sofrito:
  • • 1 kg of fresh tomatoes, boiled, peeled and chopped.
  • • 4 chopped big onions
  • • 2 chopped long onions
  • • 5 garlic cloves, crushed
  • • 1 small chopped red pepper
  • • 1 minced sweet pepper
  • • salt, pepper, cumin and saffron to taste
  • 40 clean congo leaves or bananas measuring 30 x 30 in size.
  • stuffed:
  • • 1 kg of pork cut small
  • • 1 kg of small cut pork ribs
  • • 100 grams of bacon
  • • 1 1/2 kg of yellow potato cut into cubes
  • • 2 chopped long onions
  • • 250 grams of fresh and boiled peas
  • • 150 grams of capers with its liquid
  • • 400 grams of carrots cut into slices
  • • 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • • salt, pepper and cumin