
soak the beans from the day before. put them to cook without salt in 3 liters of water for approximately 35 minutes. when they are soft add the salt, the potatoes and the squash cut into parmentier (approx 1x1 cm cubes).
fry the onion, pepper, chorizo ​​and colored chili. once ready add to the pot along with the noodles.
cook for 5 minutes and then serve hot.


  • ingredients (8-10 people)
  • 1 kg. donkey beans
  • 250 gr of noodles
  • 1 k pumpkin
  • 1 k potatoes
  • 2 medium onions
  • 1 bell pepper
  • ½ k choricillo
  • pinch of colored chili
  • salt (about a tablespoon)