
Pour 2 cups of water into a wok (500 g).
put a big sheet
of parchment paper in the base of a large bamboo steam basket and spread the rice over the paper.
Put the water to cook and, when it starts to boil, place the basket on top of the wok (it should not touch the water) and put the lid on it.
steam the rice for 35 minutes, turning it about halfway through; gradually replace the water that evaporates, if you consider it necessary.

Gently heat the coconut milk with salt in a medium-sized saucepan.
Add the rice, cooked, bring to the boil and stir well.
cover with a tight fitting lid and remove from heat.
let it sit for 45 minutes or until the rice has absorbed the coconut milk.

Put the rice back in the bamboo basket lined with parchment paper and cover.
Check that the wok has enough water and steam them again for another 30 minutes.

the result is a soft and light rice, with a delicate flavor
You can use jasmine or basmati scented rice instead of the long grain.


  • 500g wide grain white rice
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt